Top 10 Titles Added to Netflix in September 2016

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top-10-new-netflix-additions-september-2016September 2016 has been huge for new Netflix additions here in the US and we thought we’d go over the top 10 that were added. We’ve included both new movies and new TV series here and while there’s some re-additions, we think they’re good enough to get a mention on this top list again.

We’ve had to miss out on a lot of additions that could’ve quite easily been featured in this list such as The Blacklist, a great month for Chelsea, new seasons of Family Guy, seasons 1 and 2 of Galavant and so much more.

Let us know what’s your favorite in the comments below.

10. The IT Crowd (Season 5)

The IT Crowd Season 5 added to Netflix

The finally season of one of the best modern day British sitcoms is FINALLY on Netflix US. Why it’s taken so long is an absolute mystery but we’re just glad it’s happened. The final season of the show sees us saying goodbye to our favorite IT department at Wernam Industries. The show admittedly hit its peak somewhere in season 2-3 but the later seasons are still infinitely watchable.

9. Supergirl (Season 1)

Supergirl Season 1 added to Netflix

Supergirl was moved from CBS to The CW which ensured its future on Netflix and we’re super happy that September looks to be the month when we’ll be getting brand new seasons of Supergirl on Netflix. The first season gave us the introduction to Supergirl and while it had a bit of a shaky start, the later episodes really gave us a glimpse as to how much potential the show has. We look forward to future seasons joining Netflix!

8. Shameless US (Season 5 & 6)

Shameless Season 5 & 6 Added to Netflix

If you love Shameless, Netflix has been surely one of your best friends in recent months. Up until mid-summer, Netflix didn’t have any episodes of Shameless US and in the space of just a few months, we’re now completely up-to-date with all 6 seasons with a seventh set to air in the next few weeks. The comedy based on the UK equivalent is among the very few that have been successfully ported over to a US audience.

7. Jaws Trilogy (1975 – 1983)

Jaws Trilogy added to Netflix

Jaws was cinema dynamite when it was released. The idea of being eaten by a very big fish gripped everyone imagination and the movie collected three Oscars. The “You’re going to need a bigger boat” quote, one of many fine quotes from skipper Quint, has seeded variations that have become part of the language.  The special effects required to create a giant shark were way ahead of their time and delivered a truly believable realism.  Sadly, the movie spawned a widespread fear and loathing of sharks which has caused a decimation of their numbers in the wild. Writer Peter Benchley became an ardent advocate of shark protection as a result.  And Spielberg remade the movie on land as Jurassic Park; but that’s another story. Don’t waste your time with the indifferent Jaws 2 and the appalling Jaws 3; this is the one to watch.

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Top 10 Titles Added to Netflix in September 2016

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Covering Netflix since 2013, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for close to a decade. Resides in the United Kingdom.